YouTube Summary with ChatGPT:讓你遠離YouTube上的垃圾影音,直接列重點給你看。YouTube Summary with ChatGPT: Keep you away from junk videos on YouTube and directly present the key points to you.

YouTube Summary with ChatGPT:讓你遠離YouTube上的垃圾影音,直接列重點給你看。YouTube Summary with ChatGPT: Keep you away from junk videos on YouTube and directly present the key points to you.

ChatGPT /AI 新知/超強外掛相關文章


YouTube 於2005年創立,目前是全球最大的網路視頻平台之一,迄今已擁有超過20億註冊用戶。根據 YouTube 的統計,現在每天會有超過 5 億小時的影片上傳,意思是每分鐘就有超過 3 萬小時的影片上傳,這種數量,別說你我永遠都看不完,就算是孔明來,也是搞不定啦!

如果你想要快速吸收資訊,又想要省時間,那畫重點就是個不錯的主意,現在有了 ChatGPT 的幫忙,你不用再把整部影片看完,省時又省事。ChatGPT 可以直接幫你寫摘要、畫重點,輕輕鬆鬆就能掌握整部影片的核心思想,天下有這等好康?當然有,如果你喜歡在 YouTube 吸收新知,那這個外掛千萬別錯過。

如何安裝YouTube Summary with ChatGPT


來去下載YouTube Summary with ChatGPT(本直達連結由施旅行/ShihTrip提供)


YouTube Summary with ChatGPT:讓你遠離YouTube上的垃圾影音,直接列重點給你看。YouTube Summary with ChatGPT: Keep you away from junk videos on YouTube and directly present the key points to you.


YouTube Summary with ChatGPT:讓你遠離YouTube上的垃圾影音,直接列重點給你看。YouTube Summary with ChatGPT: Keep you away from junk videos on YouTube and directly present the key points to you.

裝好後就能在你的擴充功能裡看到 YouTube Summary with ChatGPT 。

YouTube Summary with ChatGPT:讓你遠離YouTube上的垃圾影音,直接列重點給你看。YouTube Summary with ChatGPT: Keep you away from junk videos on YouTube and directly present the key points to you.

YouTube Summary with ChatGPT的操作方法


YouTube Summary with ChatGPT:讓你遠離YouTube上的垃圾影音,直接列重點給你看。YouTube Summary with ChatGPT: Keep you away from junk videos on YouTube and directly present the key points to you.


YouTube Summary with ChatGPT:讓你遠離YouTube上的垃圾影音,直接列重點給你看。YouTube Summary with ChatGPT: Keep you away from junk videos on YouTube and directly present the key points to you.

再來是複製格式,你可以選純文字(Plain Text)或輕量級標記語言(Markdown),純文字就是什麼格式都不留,只有文字,這是廢話吧,哈!輕量級標記語言就是你可以弄一些簡單的標記,如星號、井號等,來表示文字的標題、列表、超鏈接、圖片等。這樣不至於太複雜,又可以看起來有點排版的感覺,算是排版上一個簡便且易閱讀的平衡選項。

YouTube Summary with ChatGPT:讓你遠離YouTube上的垃圾影音,直接列重點給你看。YouTube Summary with ChatGPT: Keep you away from junk videos on YouTube and directly present the key points to you.


YouTube Summary with ChatGPT:讓你遠離YouTube上的垃圾影音,直接列重點給你看。YouTube Summary with ChatGPT: Keep you away from junk videos on YouTube and directly present the key points to you.


YouTube Summary with ChatGPT:讓你遠離YouTube上的垃圾影音,直接列重點給你看。YouTube Summary with ChatGPT: Keep you away from junk videos on YouTube and directly present the key points to you.


YouTube Summary with ChatGPT:讓你遠離YouTube上的垃圾影音,直接列重點給你看。YouTube Summary with ChatGPT: Keep you away from junk videos on YouTube and directly present the key points to you.


接下來,我來試一下,隨便找個今天剛PO的影片,請 YouTube Summary with ChatGPT 作個摘要,果然什麼都沒有,因為我的影片裡沒有任何對白和字幕,哈,預料之中。這時候就要靠 ChatGPT 了,點擊 ChatGPT 小圖標。

YouTube Summary with ChatGPT:讓你遠離YouTube上的垃圾影音,直接列重點給你看。YouTube Summary with ChatGPT: Keep you away from junk videos on YouTube and directly present the key points to you.

它跟你說,你點下去就會開一個新視窗,然後透過 AI 幫你作總結。

YouTube Summary with ChatGPT:讓你遠離YouTube上的垃圾影音,直接列重點給你看。YouTube Summary with ChatGPT: Keep you away from junk videos on YouTube and directly present the key points to you.

一點下去,總結就出來了,試了一下有用 Web access 和沒用的結果,有些差別。

YouTube Summary with ChatGPT:讓你遠離YouTube上的垃圾影音,直接列重點給你看。YouTube Summary with ChatGPT: Keep you away from junk videos on YouTube and directly present the key points to you.
YouTube Summary with ChatGPT:讓你遠離YouTube上的垃圾影音,直接列重點給你看。YouTube Summary with ChatGPT: Keep you away from junk videos on YouTube and directly present the key points to you.


YouTube Summary with ChatGPT:讓你遠離YouTube上的垃圾影音,直接列重點給你看。YouTube Summary with ChatGPT: Keep you away from junk videos on YouTube and directly present the key points to you.

再用 YouTube Summary with ChatGPT ,請 AI 作總結,因為影片裡的景點太小眾,所以 ChatGPT 找不到任何東西可以接龍,只好認輸。

YouTube Summary with ChatGPT:讓你遠離YouTube上的垃圾影音,直接列重點給你看。YouTube Summary with ChatGPT: Keep you away from junk videos on YouTube and directly present the key points to you.

如果你用的是很有名的影片,那就沒這個問題了,官網上示範的史蒂夫·喬布斯在史丹佛大學的演講(Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address),就可以準確地列出完整演講稿,並作出適當的總結。

YouTube Summary with ChatGPT:讓你遠離YouTube上的垃圾影音,直接列重點給你看。YouTube Summary with ChatGPT: Keep you away from junk videos on YouTube and directly present the key points to you.
YouTube Summary with ChatGPT:讓你遠離YouTube上的垃圾影音,直接列重點給你看。YouTube Summary with ChatGPT: Keep you away from junk videos on YouTube and directly present the key points to you.
YouTube Summary with ChatGPT:讓你遠離YouTube上的垃圾影音,直接列重點給你看。YouTube Summary with ChatGPT: Keep you away from junk videos on YouTube and directly present the key points to you.


YouTube Summary with ChatGPT:讓你遠離YouTube上的垃圾影音,直接列重點給你看。YouTube Summary with ChatGPT: Keep you away from junk videos on YouTube and directly present the key points to you.

透過 YouTube Summary with ChatGPT 的幫助,不管你要閱讀全文,還是只想聽(看)總結都很方便。

YouTube Summary with ChatGPT:讓你遠離YouTube上的垃圾影音,直接列重點給你看。YouTube Summary with ChatGPT: Keep you away from junk videos on YouTube and directly present the key points to you.


YouTube Summary with ChatGPT:讓你遠離YouTube上的垃圾影音,直接列重點給你看。YouTube Summary with ChatGPT: Keep you away from junk videos on YouTube and directly present the key points to you.
YouTube Summary with ChatGPT:讓你遠離YouTube上的垃圾影音,直接列重點給你看。YouTube Summary with ChatGPT: Keep you away from junk videos on YouTube and directly present the key points to you.


YouTube Summary with ChatGPT:讓你遠離YouTube上的垃圾影音,直接列重點給你看。YouTube Summary with ChatGPT: Keep you away from junk videos on YouTube and directly present the key points to you.


YouTube Summary with ChatGPT:讓你遠離YouTube上的垃圾影音,直接列重點給你看。YouTube Summary with ChatGPT: Keep you away from junk videos on YouTube and directly present the key points to you.


在這個資訊爆炸的時代,要想看遍每部影片已難如登天,如能善用好工具,來幫助自己更快獲得所需資訊,這遠比愚公移山式地死啃在效率上要好上不少, YouTube Summary with ChatGPT 就是為此而存在,它結合 AI 智慧,成為一個幫 YouTube 影片作總結的高效工具,對提升工作效率有顯著優勢,裝一個吧!


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