ChatGPT的提問技巧:提問前、提問時及提問後/ChatGPT’s Questioning Skills: Before, During, and After Asking Questions

ChatGPT、AI、Google Chrome 擴充功能相關文章/ChatGPT, AI, Google Chrome extensions related articles

你和 ChatGPT 聊天,很像武林中人在對決,什麼意思?就是遇強則強,遇弱則弱。你問題太爛,不好意思,ChatGPT 的回答也不怎麼樣;你問得愈好,ChatGPT 表現就會愈好。換言之,如果你無法從 ChatGPT 獲得很多有用的幫助,那千萬別怪 ChatGPT ,只能怪你自己,哈!那到底應該怎麼提問,才算得上是好問題呢?我覺得在提問前、提問時和提問後,你都有些事要稍加注意一下,才能讓自己的提問技巧不斷改善,讓 ChatGPT 能為你所用,以下是施旅行/ShihTrip 給你的建議。


先做功課:在提問前,你可以花一些時間對主題進行初步研究,搜尋引擎或維基百科都是好選擇,當然你也可以直接用 ChatGPT 來做功課,確保你對你提問的問題有些瞭解,這樣比較能問出個所以然來。

分解複雜問題:如果你的問題很複雜或有很多層次,可以把它分解成更小、更易回答的問題,以確保你得到清晰準確的答案。如果你問一個有很大範圍或很抽象的問題,通常得到的答案也是極為空泛。比方說,你問 ChatGPT 說,人存在的意義是什麼?ChatGPT 只能跟你說,每個人答案都不同。

ChatGPT的提問技巧:提問前、提問時及提問後/ChatGPT's Questioning Skills: Before, During, and After Asking Questions


提問要清楚明確:請用清晰簡潔的方式陳述你的問題,不要拐彎抹角,ChatGPT 可能會搞不懂你在說什麼,給 ChatGPT 明確的主題和問題最好。比方說,我要考台灣的機車駕照,可以給我筆試題目考古題嗎?

ChatGPT的提問技巧:提問前、提問時及提問後/ChatGPT's Questioning Skills: Before, During, and After Asking Questions

語法和拼字都要正確:雖然 ChatGPT 很聰明,可能會猜對你講錯的話,但你最好還是提供正確的語法和拼字,這樣比較不會有風險。比方說,你問 ChatGPT 數學題,2成4等於多少,大部分人類可能都猜得到你打錯字,所以看得懂你在問什麼,但 ChatGPT 看來是搞不懂。

ChatGPT的提問技巧:提問前、提問時及提問後/ChatGPT's Questioning Skills: Before, During, and After Asking Questions

避免使用行話或技術術語:很多文字其實有社會文化背景上的差異,盡量避免使用對其他人不熟悉的專門語言或技術術語。比方說,我問 ChatGPT 你對 8+9 有什麼看法?這台灣人專屬的行話,ChatGPT 完全不懂,哈!

ChatGPT的提問技巧:提問前、提問時及提問後/ChatGPT's Questioning Skills: Before, During, and After Asking Questions


ChatGPT的提問技巧:提問前、提問時及提問後/ChatGPT's Questioning Skills: Before, During, and After Asking Questions



尋求澄清:ChatGPT 回答完成後,如果你看不太懂,可以請求澄清,確保你的理解和 ChatGPT 回答是相同的,不然後續的提問可能會天差地遠喔!

使用跟進問題:如果需要更多信息或澄清,請使用跟進問題以獲得更完整的答案。比方上文中的清明上河圖問題,你可以接著請 ChatGPT 詳細介紹一下第一個主題的可能畫法,ChatGPT 就會給你描繪當代都市風景的幾種可能畫法,這種跟進式的問法,對發想創意很有幫助。

ChatGPT的提問技巧:提問前、提問時及提問後/ChatGPT's Questioning Skills: Before, During, and After Asking Questions

考慮多重觀點:在提問時,可以考慮從不同觀點出發,可能可以獲得更全面的答案。比方說,你可以問 ChatGPT,如果你想開一家咖啡店,站在老闆立場,您最應該注意的三件事,以及如果你想開一家咖啡店,站在顧客立場,您最應該注意的三件事,兩個加起來就是更為全面的答案。

ChatGPT的提問技巧:提問前、提問時及提問後/ChatGPT's Questioning Skills: Before, During, and After Asking Questions
ChatGPT的提問技巧:提問前、提問時及提問後/ChatGPT's Questioning Skills: Before, During, and After Asking Questions


保持紀錄習慣:因為 ChatGPT 每次回答都不盡相同,如果你覺得 ChatGPT 這次的回答很好,記得要記錄下回答的內容,不然你可能永遠都問不出一模一樣的答案了,哈!


Chatting with ChatGPT is like a duel in the martial arts world, meaning that you have to be strong when facing strong opponents and weak when facing weak ones. If you ask poor questions, ChatGPT’s answers may not be very helpful. However, if you ask good questions, ChatGPT’s responses will be much better. In other words, if you don’t get a lot of useful help from ChatGPT, don’t blame ChatGPT, blame yourself! So how do you ask good questions? Here are some tips from ShihTrip:

Before asking a question:

  • Do your homework: Before asking a question, you can spend some time doing some preliminary research on the topic. Search engines or Wikipedia are good choices, and of course, you can also use ChatGPT to do your homework. Make sure you have some understanding of the question you are asking so that you can ask a more informed question.
  • Break down complex questions: If your question is very complex or has many layers, you can break it down into smaller, easier-to-answer questions to ensure that you get clear and accurate answers. If you ask a question that is too broad or abstract, the answer you get is likely to be very general. For example, if you ask ChatGPT what the meaning of life is, ChatGPT can only tell you that everyone’s answer is different.

When asking a question:

  • Be clear and specific: Please state your question clearly and concisely, don’t beat around the bush, and give ChatGPT a clear topic and question. For example, “I want to take the motorcycle license test in Taiwan. Can you give me some sample questions for the written test?”
  • Use correct grammar and spelling: Although ChatGPT is very smart and may be able to guess what you mean even if you make a mistake, it’s better to provide correct grammar and spelling to minimize the risk of confusion.
  • Avoid jargon or technical terms: Many words have cultural and social backgrounds, so try to avoid using specialized language or technical terms that others are not familiar with. For example, if you ask ChatGPT “What do you think about 8+9?”- this is a slang term only used in Taiwan, and ChatGPT won’t understand.
  • Provide context or examples to help ChatGPT understand your question: Provide some background information, context or examples in your question to help ChatGPT’s answer to be more accurate and relevant. For example, “I want to draw a great work like the Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival, what are some suggested themes?”
  • Avoid hypothetical or leading questions: Avoid making assumptions about the answer to your question, as this may lead to misunderstandings and inaccurate information. Also, avoid asking leading questions as this may lead to biased answers. In other words, try to avoid suggesting a specific answer in your question.

After asking a question:

  • Seek clarification: After ChatGPT has answered your question, if you don’t understand it well, you can ask for clarification to make sure you and ChatGPT are on the same page. This will help prevent future misunderstandings.
  • Use follow-up questions: If you need more information or clarification, use follow-up questions to get a more complete answer. For example, in the Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival question, you can ask ChatGPT to describe in detail several possible themes for the first topic. This kind of follow-up questioning can be very helpful for generating creative ideas.
  • Consider multiple perspectives: When asking questions, consider approaching the topic from different perspectives. This may help you obtain a more comprehensive answer. For example, you can ask ChatGPT, “If you want to open a coffee shop, what are the top three things you should consider as the owner?” and “If you want to visit a coffee shop, what are the top three things you would look for as a customer?” Combining the answers to both questions may give you a more complete picture.
  • Reflect on the question: After receiving an answer, take some time to reflect on the information provided and how it relates to your question. This can help you better understand the answer and ask more insightful follow-up questions.
  • Keep a record: ChatGPT’s responses may not be identical every time, so if you find a particularly helpful answer, make sure to record the content. This way, you can refer back to the answer in the future if you need the same information again.

These are some suggestions to help you ask better questions. Good luck and happy questioning!


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