ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!

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什麼是ChatGPT Prompt Genius?

ChatGPT Prompt Genius 是一款 Google Chrome 的外掛程式,它提供的功能很多樣,除了可以讓存檔或匯出你跟 ChatGPT 的聊天記錄,還能幫你創建更好的提示,讓 ChatGPT 生成更好的回答。

簡單來說 ChatGPT Prompt Genius 有以下優點:

  1. 提高模型生成的質量:創建良好的提示可以讓模型更好地理解問題並生成更好的回答。
  2. 省時省力:節省你在創建提示上花費的時間,可更專注於創建更好的內容。
  3. 多樣模板:內建多樣模板,你可以直接選用,從學者、顧問、音樂家到小說家都有,連廚師也可以。
  4. 共享公開指令:ChatGPT Prompt Genius 建構一個分享指令的平台,你可以在上面找到針對各種奇奇怪怪需求而寫的指令。


怎麼安裝 ChatGPT Prompt Genius?

直接在 Google Chrome 裡新增 ChatGPT Prompt Genius 即可。

下載ChatGPT Prompt Genius直達網址(由施旅行/ShihTrip提供)

ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!
ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!

裝好後,你就會看到這個像大腦的 ChatGPT Prompt Genius 圖示。

ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!

如何使用 ChatGPT Prompt Genius ?

你點擊圖示,就會跳出這個視窗,一開始 ChatGPT Prompt Genius 會給你一些撰寫第一個指令的建議,可以不用理它。

ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!


ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!

左手邊都是 ChatGPT Prompt Genius 提供的功能,我們逐一解說。

ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!


ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!

先寫標題,比方我寫的是英語學習,再寫內容,我寫的是想要通過多益考試。接下來你選好分類,我選教育類,然後點擊右手邊黃色小按鈕,就會直接開啟新視窗,然後把指令用到 ChatGPT 。我發現 ChatGPT Prompt Genius 有時候開了新視窗,但 ChatGPT 不理它,沒關係,你直接把指令複製、貼上,然後再執行就可以。

ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!

ChatGPT Prompt Genius 把我想通過多益考試的想法,變成為 pass TOEIC 這個指令, ChatGPT 也回答了。

ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!

ChatGPT Prompt Genius 的更厲害用法?

你不只能用 ChatGPT Prompt Genius 來寫指令,ChatGPT Prompt Genius 還會教你寫出更厲害的指令,第二個功能就是 Curated Prompts 。

ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!

你可以探索 ChatGPT Prompt Genius 已經建立好的模板,找找看有沒有適合你用的。

ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!

如果你懶得一頁一頁找,也可以直接用搜尋的,像我找了English這個關鍵字,ChatGPT Prompt Genius 推薦了英文翻譯和改善的模板。

ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!

你點擊模板後,接下來神奇的事發生了,ChatGPT Prompt Genius 已經幫你寫好完整的指令,你只要更動一個句子,就可以請 ChatGPT 回答。在這個模板中,它要求 ChatGPT 針對你所提的句子,換成正確且更高級的說法,讓你的日常對話,看起來不只用法無誤,而且更高大上。

ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!

我本來寫的是我是個學生, ChatGPT 建議可以改為我是個學者,哈,果然高大上。

ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!


ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!

ChatGPT Prompt Genius 已經幫你寫好把 ChatGPT 當廚師用的指令,你只要簡單輸入你想要做什麼料理即可。

ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!


ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!

每次輸入完,你只要點擊右側黃色按鈕,就可以在 ChatGPT 直接使用這個指令。

ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!


ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!

我們直接把加了漢堡後,所生成的模板指令用在 ChatGPT 上,看看會出現什麼厲害的結果。

ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!

ChatGPT 開始教你如何做一個健康經濟又實惠的漢堡,哈!

ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!


ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!



ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!

點擊 Public Pormpts 就會來到分享平台,可以搜尋看看,蠻有趣的。

ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!


ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!

這個指令有夠妙! Seafood 掛的很適合!

ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!


ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!


ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!


ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!
ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!

最後是儲存,ChatGPT Prompt Genius 這個外掛很貼心地提供你儲存、匯出各種設定的功能。

ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!
ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!

在 ChatGPT 中,ChatGPT Prompt Genius 也同時提供你類似的功能,如果你覺得和 ChatGPT 對話很重要,不想遺失,可以透過這個外掛存一下。

ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!


ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!


ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!

這樣你就存下了跟 ChatGPT 的所有對話內容了,蠻方便的。

ChatGPT Prompt Genius手把手教學:不只存檔匯出聊天記錄,還能幫你把握AI思維,讓創意起飛!ChatGPT Prompt Genius Tutorial: Not Just for Saving and Exporting Chat Logs, But Also for Guiding Your AI Thinking and Boosting Creativity!


整體來說,ChatGPT Prompt Genius 提供的功能蠻多的,也都很實用,等於是多個願望一次滿足的概念,如果你有這方便的需求,可以安裝一下,不然哪天電腦掛點,對話記錄全毀,可能也是有點慘,哈!


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