只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It’s not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.

ChatGPT、AI、Google Chrome 擴充功能相關文章/ChatGPT, AI, Google Chrome extensions related articles


Poe 是 Platform for Open Exploration,意思是開放探索平台。它是由 Quora 建立的 APP。目前 Poe 上的 AI 採用 OpenAI 和 Anthropic 兩種不同模型,對應六個不同的聊天機器人。Poe 現在僅支援 iOS,但官網宣稱未來幾個月會支援所有主要平台。

只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.

如何安裝 Poe?

如果你沒有iPhone,但還是很想同時和六個不同的機器人聊天,那你可以用桌機版本的 Poe。

桌機版本:https://poe.com/ (本直達連結由施旅行/ShihTrip 提供)

如果你有 iOS,那直接到商店裡搜尋 Poe,然後安裝它。

只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.

接下來你有三個選擇,分別是透過電話、電子郵件,或直接連結 Google、Apple帳號註冊。

只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.


只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.


只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.
只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.
只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.



只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.


只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.


只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.
只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.
只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.
只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.
只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.
只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.

再來還有其他一些小功能,比方可以邀請朋友加入 Poe,或做一些個人資訊的設定。

只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.
只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.


只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.

目前訂閱一年是 6990 元台幣,一個月算下來是 582 元,如果你每個月分開訂,那就每個月要付 690 元。如果你訂了,Poe 保證你每個月至少可以對 GPT-4 發 300 個訊息,對 Claude+ 發 1000 個訊息,意思是 OpenAI 的 GPT-4 值錢多了,哈!

只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.



只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.
只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.


只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.

貴還是有點值的,GPT-4 的回覆明顯有條理。

只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.
只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.
只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.


只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.

Claude+ 把 ChatGPT 介紹得很不堪,這是故意的,還是不小心的?

只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.
只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.

Claude 更慘,中英文夾雜,斷句和標點也都有錯。

只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.
只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.

ChatGPT 比不上 ChatGPT-4,但還算中規中矩。

只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.
只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.

Dragonfly 回答簡要,但一樣不小心(故意?)寫說 ChatGPT 使用的是老舊的 ChatGPT-2。

只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.
只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.


只交 ChatGPT 一個朋友不過癮,Poe 讓你和所有 AI 機器人當知己/It's not enough to have only one friend like ChatGPT, but with Poe, you can befriend all AI robots.


先說優點,Poe 的優勢很明顯,它能讓你把各種聊天機器人都納為己有,但又不用各別付費,對於想要在不同聊天機器人中快速移動的使用者,提供一個便利的選擇。

缺點是試用版的試用機會很少,極難評估 Poe 的真實能耐,就算你付費,聊天機器人的使用次數也都有限制,算是一種吃到半飽的概念。

在答題上,因為每個聊天機器人的專長不同,用同一個題目來測本就失真,但用不同題目來測更是連比較的基礎都沒有,就我失真的測試,ChatGPT-4 還是有優勢,當然訂閱 ChatGPT-4 一個月就要 600 元,若訂閱 Poe 一年,算起來一個月也才 582 元,不僅比較便宜,還多了好幾個聊天機器人可以用,怎麼選,你自己決定吧!


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