- 丹麥:如果你想探索北歐的風光,那麼丹麥是一個不容錯過的地方。它是一個美麗的國家,且英語是其中一種官方語言。在哥本哈根、奧胡斯和羅斯基勒等地,遊客可以參觀許多令人驚嘆的建築和博物館。
- 巴巴多斯:位於加勒比海地區的巴巴多斯是一個充滿活力和美麗的國家。英語是其中一種官方語言,遊客可以在布里奇敦、聖詹姆斯和霍利敦等地欣賞美麗的海灘和豐富的文化。
- 比利時:作為一個歐洲國家,比利時的文化和歷史非常豐富。英語是其中一種官方語言,遊客可以在布魯塞爾、布魯日和根特等城市探索當地的文化和建築。
- 以色列:位於中東的以色列是一個充滿著歷史和文化的國家。英語是其中一種官方語言,遊客可以在耶路撒冷、特拉維夫和死海等地體驗當地的獨特風光和文化。
- 加拿大:加拿大是一個多元化和友好的國家,自然風光和城市文化吸引著遊客。遊客可以在溫哥華、多倫多、蒙特利爾和魁北克等地享受當地的美景和文化。
- 卡達:卡達是一個位於中東的國家,英語是其中一種官方語言。遊客可以在杜哈、瓦西利亞和哈利法國際機場等地探索當地的風光和文化。
- 印度:作為一個充滿色彩和文化的國家,印度是一個值得一遊的地方。英語是其中一種官方語言之一,遊客可以在德里、孟買、卡西和阿格拉等地體驗當地的文化和歷史。
- 希臘:置身於希臘,彷彿走進了神話中的國度。這個美麗的歐洲國家擁有著獨特的文化和歷史,而英語也是其中一種官方語言。遊客可以到雅典參觀千年古城的遺跡,或是前往聖托里尼欣賞海灘和夕陽。米克諾斯的風車和藍白相間的建築也是一大特色。
- 汶萊:汶萊是一個東南亞寧靜的小國家,英語是其中一種官方語言。遊客可以來到汶萊市感受當地的傳統文化和熱情好客,或是到斯特蘭港觀賞壯觀的日落。另外,乌鲁岛也是一個很棒的度假勝地,可以享受蔚藍海水和沙灘的美景。
- 肯尼亞和肯亞:肯尼亞和肯亞都是非洲的國家,而英語是其中官方語言之一。遊客可以前往梅魯國家公園和馬賽馬拉自然保護區觀賞壯麗的大象、獅子和斑馬。如果想要體驗一下沙漠生活,那菲爾特沙漠也是一個好去處。另外,蒙巴薩也是一個富有歷史和文化底蘊的城市,可以了解當地人的生活和傳統。
- 南非:南非是一個多元化和豐富的國家,其中英語是官方語言之一。遊客可以前往開普敦欣賞海岸線和山脈的美景,或是到約翰內斯堡體驗當地的現代文化和音樂。德班的海灘和博福特港的自然風光也是不容錯過的景點。
- 津巴布韋:想要體驗非洲大陸的神秘之旅嗎?津巴布韋是您的最佳選擇!在這個國家,您可以欣賞到世界聞名的維多利亞瀑布、探索充滿著活力的哈拉雷市、征服马塔波山頂的挑戰。而且,作為津巴布韋的英語是官方語言之一,您不必擔心語言障礙,隨時可以與當地友善的居民交流。
- 美國:來到美國,你就來到了英語的故鄉!這個擁有多樣化文化和風景的國家擁有眾多熱門旅遊城市,如紐約市的時代廣場、舊金山的金門大橋、拉斯維加斯的賭場和洛杉磯的好萊塢,這裡絕對是旅行者們的天堂!
- 英國:這是一個富有歷史和文化的國度,文學巨匠莎士比亞和現代音樂巨星艾德·希蘭都是英國人。你可以參觀倫敦的大笨鐘和大英博物館、走訪愛丁堡的皇家城堡和皇家懷特威姆酒店、沉浸在威爾士和蘇格蘭的神話和傳說中。
- 香港:這座國際化城市是東西方文化的結合,英語是其中一種官方語言。你可以在維多利亞港欣賞城市的美景、在迪士尼樂園度過愉快的時光,並且拜訪天壇大佛去感受一下宗教氛圍。
- 埃及:探索古埃及文明的奧秘,這個非洲和中東國家會帶給你意外的驚喜。你可以參觀開羅的金字塔、游覽亞歷山卓的皇家圖書館、體驗神秘的尼羅河之旅和沉浸在吉薩的大象博物館中。
- 泰國:歡迎來到泰國,這個充滿活力和美食的東南亞國家!在這裡,你可以逛曼谷的夜市、遊覽普吉島的美麗海灘,或者在清邁的古城中漫步。英語在這裡是一種官方語言,所以你可以輕鬆地與當地人交流。
- 馬來西亞:馬來西亞是一個充滿多元文化的國家,英語也是廣泛使用的語言之一。在吉隆坡,你可以感受現代化的城市風貌;在檳城,你可以品嚐到各種美食;在馬六甲,你可以了解到這個古老港口城市的歷史。沙巴的熱帶雨林和海灘也是不容錯過的地方。
- 馬爾他:來到馬爾他,你會被這個美麗的地中海國家迷住。在瓦萊塔,你可以欣賞到這個歷史悠久的城市的美麗建築;在聖朱利安,你可以享受到溫暖的陽光和美麗的海灘;在馬爾他島,你可以探索這個小島上的獨特文化和風景。
- 馬爾地夫:想要逃離城市的煩囂,來到馬爾地夫吧!在這個美麗的島國,你可以享受到美麗的海灘、清澈的海水和壯麗的珊瑚礁。馬累是這個島國的首都,你可以在這裡感受到馬爾地夫的文化和生活方式。
- 荷蘭:歐洲風情、橋樑國度,荷蘭是個迷人的國家。除了漂亮的阿姆斯特丹,還有繁華的鹿特丹和文化古城海牙等地等待著遊客探索。
- 斯里蘭卡:被譽為亞洲的寶石,斯里蘭卡的美麗景色不容錯過。在安古拉沃、帕杜瓦和庫魯那加拉等地,遊客可以享受到這個國家的獨特魅力和文化。
- 菲律賓:由於語言和文化多樣性,菲律賓給人的印象是多姿多彩、充滿活力。遊客可以參觀熱鬧的馬尼拉、長灘島的白色沙灘、科羅市的珊瑚礁和波多爾島的潛水勝地等地,感受到這個國家的熱情和美麗風景。
- 愛爾蘭:被稱為綠色寶石的愛爾蘭是一個溫暖友善的國家。遊客可以參觀著名的都柏林、科克、基爾肯尼和格林哥等地,欣賞這個國家獨特的自然風光和豐富的文化。
- 新加坡:這個小島國家擁有著令人驚嘆的現代化城市景觀和美麗的公園,如植物園、濱海灣金沙、動物園和聖淘沙島等。遊客可以在這個多元文化的城市尋找美食、購物、文化和娛樂,體驗獨特的新加坡風情。
- 新西蘭:新西蘭是一個天然福地,擁有獨特的自然風光和動植物物種。英語是當地的官方語言之一,讓遊客更容易融入當地生活。遊客可以參觀奧克蘭這個繁華的城市、皇后鎮這個著名的滑雪勝地、惠靈頓這個文化藝術的中心和基督城這個充滿活力的城市。
- 瑞士:瑞士是一個美麗的歐洲國家,有著壯觀的阿爾卑斯山和湖泊,其巧克力、手表和奶酪等特產更是享譽全球。英語是當地的官方語言之一,讓遊客更容易和當地人交流。遊客可以參觀茵特拉根這個滑雪勝地、日內瓦這個和平之城和蒙特勒這個風光明媚的城市。
- 聖文森特和格林納丁斯:這個加勒比海國家雖小但美不勝收。英語是當地的官方語言之一,讓遊客更容易和當地人溝通。遊客可以參觀白沙灣這個潔白的沙灘、巴塔維亞這個古老的港口和金斯敦這個擁有悠久歷史的城市。
- 葡萄牙:葡萄牙是一個迷人的國家,擁有豐富的文化和藝術遺產,以及壯觀的海岸和美食。英語是當地的官方語言之一,讓遊客更容易和當地人互動。遊客可以參觀里斯本這個充滿活力的城市、波爾圖這個著名的葡萄酒產區和法魯這個舊城區。
- 澳大利亞:澳大利亞是一個多元化的國家,其文化和景觀吸引著來自世界各地的遊客。如果你喜歡城市的繁華,可以前往悉尼或墨爾本,逛逛街、品嘗美食或者欣賞當地的文化活動。如果你更喜歡大自然的美麗,可以前往凱恩斯,探索珊瑚礁和熱帶雨林,或者前往黃金海岸享受陽光沙灘和海浪的樂趣。
- 墨西哥:墨西哥是一個拉丁美洲國家,充滿著熱情和色彩。如果你對古代文明和歷史感興趣,可以前往墨西哥城參觀瑪雅文明的遺跡,感受當地的文化氛圍。如果你想度假放鬆,可以前往坎昆和瓜達拉哈拉等地享受陽光和美酒。
- 賴索托:賴索托是南非的一個飛地國家,風景優美,充滿自然氣息。如果你喜歡探險,可以前往馬塞博,探索當地的山脈和瀑布。如果你喜歡文化,可以前往萊索托高地,了解當地人民的生活和文化。如果你想享受美麗的自然風光,可以前往庫伊克,欣賞當地的湖泊和山脈。
There is a close relationship between language and travel. Language issues during travel can inconvenience travelers and affect their travel experience. Therefore, when planning a trip, language considerations are usually one of the factors that tourists must consider. If you don’t want to consider it, it’s best to go with a group and save trouble! When tourists visit a country where their native language is not their own, language barriers can affect their communication and understanding. This can lead to problems such as misunderstandings when ordering food, not being able to ask locals for help or getting lost, not being able to understand local culture and customs, and sometimes not even finding where the toilets are! In these cases, tourists with local language skills may have an easier time solving problems and integrating more easily into the local community.
In addition, language can also affect the quality of the travel experience. When tourists understand the local language, they can better appreciate the local culture and traditions, and better understand the local people’s values and way of life. Language skills can also make it easier for tourists to find local food and cultural experiences, thereby enhancing their travel experience. Therefore, learning the local language or at least knowing some common vocabulary before traveling can make travel smoother and more enjoyable. With the help of modern technology, there are many language learning apps and websites that can help travelers acquire basic knowledge of the local language before travelling.
English is one of the most commonly used languages in the world, not only the main language of international trade and diplomatic communication, but also the main language of science, technology, medicine and academia. Therefore, learning English is very important, especially for those who want to travel or work and study internationally. In terms of travel, English can help tourists communicate with locals more easily, understand local culture and customs, and gain a better travel experience. English is widely used around the world, and many popular tourist countries use English as one of the official languages. Therefore, mastering English can make it easier for tourists to obtain information, guides and advice, and avoid missing any important information due to language barriers. information or opportunity.
If your English is good, you can actually consider traveling to those English-friendly countries. It may be easier for you. Shi Travel/ShihTrip has compiled some English-friendly tourist countries for your reference, perhaps when choosing a travel destination , can also be of some help.
- Australia: Australia is a diverse country whose culture and landscape attract tourists from all over the world. If you like the hustle and bustle of the city, you can go to Sydney or Melbourne to go shopping, taste food or enjoy local cultural activities. If you prefer the beauty of nature, you can go to Cairns to explore coral reefs and tropical rainforests, or go to the Gold Coast to enjoy the fun of sunny beaches and surf.
- Barbados: Located in the Caribbean, Barbados is a vibrant and beautiful country. English is one of the official languages, and visitors can enjoy beautiful beaches and rich culture in places like Bridgetown, St. James and Holytown.
- Belgium: As a European country, Belgium is rich in culture and history. English is one of the official languages, and visitors can explore local culture and architecture in cities such as Brussels, Bruges and Ghent.
- Britain: This is a country rich in history and culture. Shakespeare, a literary giant, and Ed Sheeran, a modern music superstar, are both British. You can visit London’s Big Ben and the British Museum, visit Edinburgh’s Royal Castle and the Royal Whitham Hotel, and immerse yourself in Welsh and Scottish myths and legends.
- Brunei: Brunei is a small, quiet country in Southeast Asia, where English is one of the official languages. Tourists can come to Brunei to experience the local traditional culture and hospitality, or go to Strand Harbor to watch the spectacular sunset. In addition, Ulu Island is also a great vacation spot to enjoy the beauty of the blue water and sandy beach.
- Canada: Canada is a diverse and friendly country, with natural beauty and urban culture attracting tourists. Visitors can enjoy local beauty and culture in places like Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal and Quebec.
- Denmark: If you want to explore the Nordic scenery, then Denmark is a place not to be missed. It is a beautiful country and English is one of the official languages. In places like Copenhagen, Aarhus and Roskilde, visitors can visit many amazing buildings and museums.
- Egypt: Explore the mysteries of ancient Egyptian civilization, this African and Middle Eastern country will bring you unexpected surprises. You can visit the pyramids in Cairo, explore Alexandria’s royal library, experience a mystical Nile journey and immerse yourself in the Elephant Museum in Giza.
- Greece: Being in Greece is like walking into a mythical kingdom. This beautiful European country has a unique culture and history, and English is one of the official languages. Tourists can go to Athens to visit the ruins of the thousand-year-old city, or go to Santorini to enjoy the beach and sunset. The windmills and blue and white buildings of Mykonos are also a major feature.
- Hong Kong: This cosmopolitan city is a fusion of Eastern and Western cultures, and English is one of the official languages. You can enjoy the beautiful view of the city in Victoria Harbour, have a good time in Disneyland, and visit the Big Buddha to feel the religious atmosphere.
- India: As a country full of colors and cultures, India is a place worth visiting. English is one of the official languages and tourists can experience the local culture and history in places like Delhi, Mumbai, Kasi and Agra.
- Ireland: Ireland, known as the Green Gem, is a warm and friendly country. Tourists can visit famous places such as Dublin, Cork, Kilkenny and Grimoy to appreciate the country’s unique natural beauty and rich culture.
- Israel: Located in the Middle East, Israel is a country full of history and culture. English is one of the official languages, and tourists can experience the unique local scenery and culture in places such as Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and the Dead Sea.
- Kenya and Kenya: Both Kenya and Kenya are countries in Africa, and English is one of the official languages. Visitors can visit the majestic elephants, lions and zebras in Meru National Park and the Masai Mara Nature Reserve. If you want to experience desert life, the Fürth Desert is also a good place to go. In addition, Mombasa is also a city rich in history and culture, and you can learn about the life and traditions of the local people.
- Lesotho: Lesotho is an enclave country in South Africa with beautiful scenery and full of natural atmosphere. If you feel adventurous, head to Masebo and explore the area’s mountains and waterfalls. If culture is your thing, head to the highlands of Lesotho to learn about the life and culture of the local people. If you want to enjoy the beautiful natural scenery, you can head to Kuik and enjoy the local lakes and mountains.
- Malaysia: Malaysia is a country full of multiculturalism, and English is also one of the widely spoken languages. In Kuala Lumpur, you can feel the modern city style; in Penang, you can taste various delicacies; in Malacca, you can learn about the history of this ancient port city. Sabah’s rainforests and beaches are also places not to be missed.
- Maldives: If you want to escape the hustle and bustle of the city, come to Maldives! In this beautiful island nation, you can enjoy beautiful beaches, crystal clear waters and magnificent coral reefs. Male is the capital of the island nation, where you can feel the Maldivian culture and way of life.
- Malta: Come to Malta, you will be fascinated by this beautiful Mediterranean country. In Valletta, you can admire the beautiful architecture of this historic city; in St. Julian’s, you can enjoy the warm sunshine and beautiful beaches; in Malta, you can explore the unique culture and culture of this small island. landscape.
- Mexico: Mexico is a Latin American country full of passion and color. If you are interested in ancient civilization and history, you can go to Mexico City to visit the ruins of Mayan civilization and feel the local cultural atmosphere. If you’re looking for a relaxing vacation, head to places like Cancun and Guadalajara for sun and wine.
- Netherlands: European style, bridge country, the Netherlands is a charming country. In addition to beautiful Amsterdam, there are bustling Rotterdam and the cultural old city of The Hague waiting for tourists to explore.
- New Zealand: New Zealand is a blessed land with unique natural scenery, flora and fauna. English is one of the local official languages, making it easier for tourists to integrate into local life. Tourists can visit the bustling city of Auckland, the famous ski resort of Queenstown, the cultural and artistic center of Wellington and the vibrant city of Christchurch.
- Philippines: Due to its linguistic and cultural diversity, the Philippines gives people the impression of being colorful and vibrant. Tourists can visit the lively Manila, the white sandy beaches of Boracay, the coral reefs of Koro City and the diving resorts of Podor Island, etc., and feel the enthusiasm and beautiful scenery of this country.
- Portugal: Portugal is a fascinating country with a rich cultural and artistic heritage, as well as a spectacular coast and gastronomy. English is one of the local official languages, making it easier for tourists to interact with the locals. Tourists can visit the vibrant city of Lisbon, the famous wine region of Porto and the old town of Faro.
- Qatar: Qatar is a country located in the Middle East where English is one of the official languages. Tourists can explore the local scenery and culture at places like Doha, Al Vasiliya and Khalifa International Airports.
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: This Caribbean country is small but beautiful. English is one of the local official languages, making it easier for tourists to communicate with locals. Tourists can visit the pristine white sandy beach of White Sand Bay, the ancient port of Batavia and the historic city of Kingston.
- Singapore: This small island nation has a stunning modern cityscape and beautiful parks such as the Botanic Gardens, Marina Bay Sands, Zoo, and Sentosa Island to name a few. Visitors can find food, shopping, culture and entertainment in this multicultural city, and experience the unique flavor of Singapore.
- South Africa: South Africa is a diverse and rich country where English is one of the official languages. Visitors can head to Cape Town to enjoy the beauty of the coastline and mountains, or to Johannesburg to experience the local modern culture and music. Durban’s beaches and the natural beauty of Port Beaufort are also must-sees.
- Sri Lanka: Known as the jewel of Asia, the beauty of Sri Lanka is not to be missed. In places like Angurabo, Padua and Kurunagara, tourists can enjoy the unique charm and culture of this country.
- Switzerland: Switzerland is a beautiful European country with spectacular Alps and lakes. Its specialty products such as chocolate, watches and cheese are famous all over the world. English is one of the local official languages, making it easier for tourists to communicate with locals. Tourists can visit the ski resort of Interlaken, the peaceful city of Geneva and the picturesque city of Montreux.
- Thailand: Welcome to Thailand, the vibrant and delicious Southeast Asian country! Here, you can visit the night market in Bangkok, visit the beautiful beaches of Phuket, or stroll in the ancient city of Chiang Mai. English is an official language here, so you can easily communicate with the locals.
- United States: When you come to the United States, you have come to the hometown of English! This country with diverse cultures and landscapes has many popular tourist cities, such as Times Square in New York City, the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, casinos in Las Vegas and Hollywood in Los Angeles. It is definitely a traveler’s paradise!
- Zimbabwe: Want to experience the mysterious journey of the African continent? Zimbabwe is the best choice for you! It’s a country where you can admire the world-famous Victoria Falls, explore the vibrant city of Harare, and conquer the challenge of climbing Mount Matabo. Moreover, as English is one of the official languages in Zimbabwe, you don’t have to worry about language barriers, and you can communicate with friendly local residents at any time.